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Find PAID Dues Members from a specific year
12.7. Find PAID Dues Members from a specific year
Let's say you want to find how many members paid Dues for the Dues Year 2005. This can be done by following these steps:
- Go into the Member screen
- Click on the Find
- On the main screen, enter any criteria you need (such as Status or Primary Indicator, etc)
- Click on the Dues/RPAC tab
- Under the FINANCIAL - MEMBER INVOICE section where your invoices normally appear, enter the follwing:
- Enter 2005 in the Year field (you can enter any year you are looking for)
- Enter D in the Type field
- Enter Paid in the Status field
- Click on Continue and the system should display all members with Paid, 2005 Dues invoices
Note: The D enterd into the Type field means that the invoice had a Dues item on the invoice, and is a Dues invoice.
Also, since many of the reports leverage the same Find function, you can use the above routine to retrieve these records in a report format or export the records to Excel.